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"); //$KWD IS THE START OF THE TITLE AND HEADING - IT IS 'TUCSON' or ANOTHER CITY //$REDUNDANT is KWD but is set to nothing if it's in $SHOW $kwd='Dallas'; //SET THE KWD TO THE OTHER CITY IF THERE IS ONE if (substr_count("$mypath", "/acres/")) {$kwd="$show";} if (substr_count("$mypath", "/horse/")) {$kwd="$show";} if (substr_count("$mypath", "/city/")) {$kwd="$show";} $redundant=$kwd; if (substr_count($show, $kwd)) $redundant=''; //print ("|$show| |$kwd| |$redundant|
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Zoning"; } if (substr_count($mypath, "Homes By Builder/")) {$between='by'; $ender='Home Builders';} $thistitle=("$citytitle $modifier $firstpart $between $middler $show $ender"); //if ($pagenum) $thistitle.=" - Page $pagenum"; //} //else $thistitle=("$middler $show $ender Dallas $modifier $firstpart"); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=trim($thistitle); $thistitle="".$thistitle.""; print ("$thistitle"); } //if ($show=="City") $show="Horse"; $show_space="$show $modifier"; if ($redundant) $redundant.=' '; //print $show_space; //maybe too long - shortened below //$desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Texas. For $kwd Texas $show $modifier Real Estate and $redundant $show_space home information, visit our $redundant Texas $show_space Real Esate Web Site at dallasrealestate-homes.com"); //don't seem to use - $desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Texas."); //$desc=str_replace(' '.' ',' ', $desc); //print $desc; if ($pagenum) $pagenum="page $pagenum"; if ($mypath=="/index.htm" or $mypath=='/') { $longdate=(date("F j")); $desc="Continuously Updated Dallas Real Estate Information."; }else{ $desc=("$redundant $mlsno $show_space $pagenum $start_record real estate and $show_space $mlsno $redundant $pagenum $start_record homes from our $redundant $mlsno $show_space Real Estate Office in $kwd Texas."); } $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ,", ",", $desc); $desc=trim($desc, ","); $desc=trim($desc); $keywords=("$show_space, $redundant, $mlsno, real estate, Texas, property, homes for sale"); if ($pagenum) $keywords.=", $pagenum"; $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(",,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=trim($keywords, ","); $keywords=trim($keywords); ?> "> ">

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1495 2nd Place

1495 2nd Place Includes:
  • Traditional Style
  • Covered,Deck,Front Porch,Patio,Rear Porch,Roof Top Deck/Patio Patio and Pool Features
  • Garage Parking Features
  • Electric Dryer Hookup,Washer Hookup Laundry Features
  • Balcony,Covered Patio/Porch,Stable/Barn
  • Carpet,Ceramic Tile,Hardwood Floors
  • Brick,Siding Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • Ceiling Fan(s),Central Air,Electric Cooling
  • Barbed Wire,Cross Fenced,Metal,Wood Fence
  • Brick,Wood Burning Fireplace
  • 2 Covered Parking Places
  • Dishwasher,Electric Cooktop,Electric Oven Equipment
  • Acreage,Cleared,Few Trees,Interior Lot,Landscaped,Lrg. Backyard Grass,Pasture,Sprinkler System,Tank/ Pond Lot
  • Garage Parking
  • Balcony,Covered Patio/Porch,Stable/Barn Exterior
  • Built-in Features,Cable TV Available,Decorative Lighting,Granite Counters,High Speed Internet Available,Kitchen Island,Pantry,Walk-In Closet(s) Interior
  • Fenced,Gunite,In Ground Pool
  • Central,Electric Heating


Open House Apr 27 11am-1. This property presents a 3,812 sq ft home with amazing second story deck that overlooks 8 lush acres & a beautiful pond! Bring the animals, have a garden, host all your family events, the opportunities are endless! The home boasts 2 stories of ample space! Downstairs you will find the large kitchen with plentiful countertop space & custom built cabinets, dining room, living room with a wood burning fireplace, primary bedroom with walk in closets & bathroom! The upstairs holds another large living room with a wet bar, that could be used for entertaining or game room, two more bedrooms with a full bathroom. Walk out the door from the upstairs & you will find the 25x30 covered deck, perfect to host parties or to gather around with the family! Sit out by your large pool in the hot summer months in the backyard or do some grilling under the gazebo or the covered patio area! Extra bedroom & bath off the garage. Barn is a 30x90 has several stalls and storage space!


Gps friendly; from highway 287, turn on fm 156 (blue mound rd), turn onto first place to the right, then onto second place; home will be on your left.


1495 2nd Place

Bedrooms 4
Baths 4
Year Built 1981
Lot Size 5 to < 10 Acres
Garage 2 Car Garage
Listing Status Active
Listed By Mckinley Goodger, Texas Prime Properties
Listing Price $1,300,000

Bedrooms 4
Baths 4
Year Built 1981
Lot Size 5 to < 10 Acres
Garage 2 Car Garage
Listing Status Active
Listed By Mckinley Goodger, Texas Prime Properties
Listing Price $1,300,000


1495 2nd Place Includes:
  • Traditional Style
  • Covered,Deck,Front Porch,Patio,Rear Porch,Roof Top Deck/Patio Patio and Pool Features
  • Garage Parking Features
  • Electric Dryer Hookup,Washer Hookup Laundry Features
  • Balcony,Covered Patio/Porch,Stable/Barn
  • Carpet,Ceramic Tile,Hardwood Floors
  • Brick,Siding Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • Ceiling Fan(s),Central Air,Electric Cooling
  • Barbed Wire,Cross Fenced,Metal,Wood Fence
  • Brick,Wood Burning Fireplace
  • 2 Covered Parking Places
  • Dishwasher,Electric Cooktop,Electric Oven Equipment
  • Acreage,Cleared,Few Trees,Interior Lot,Landscaped,Lrg. Backyard Grass,Pasture,Sprinkler System,Tank/ Pond Lot
  • Garage Parking
  • Balcony,Covered Patio/Porch,Stable/Barn Exterior
  • Built-in Features,Cable TV Available,Decorative Lighting,Granite Counters,High Speed Internet Available,Kitchen Island,Pantry,Walk-In Closet(s) Interior
  • Fenced,Gunite,In Ground Pool
  • Central,Electric Heating


Open House Apr 27 11am-1. This property presents a 3,812 sq ft home with amazing second story deck that overlooks 8 lush acres & a beautiful pond! Bring the animals, have a garden, host all your family events, the opportunities are endless! The home boasts 2 stories of ample space! Downstairs you will find the large kitchen with plentiful countertop space & custom built cabinets, dining room, living room with a wood burning fireplace, primary bedroom with walk in closets & bathroom! The upstairs holds another large living room with a wet bar, that could be used for entertaining or game room, two more bedrooms with a full bathroom. Walk out the door from the upstairs & you will find the 25x30 covered deck, perfect to host parties or to gather around with the family! Sit out by your large pool in the hot summer months in the backyard or do some grilling under the gazebo or the covered patio area! Extra bedroom & bath off the garage. Barn is a 30x90 has several stalls and storage space!


Gps friendly; from highway 287, turn on fm 156 (blue mound rd), turn onto first place to the right, then onto second place; home will be on your left.

Additional Photos:
   $address_alt   $address_alt   $address_alt
$address_alt   $address_alt   $address_alt   $address_alt  

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indentifies properties listed by real estate brokers other than Realty Center of Arizona
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